Unlocking Human Connection: A Comprehensive Guide to ‘Personality Plus’ for Better Relationships and Personal Growth

“Personality Plus” is a popular self-help book written by Florence Littauer that delves into the fascinating world of personality types. Published in 1983, the book has been widely acclaimed for its practical insights into understanding oneself and others, improving relationships, and navigating social interactions with greater ease.


The central premise of “Personality Plus” revolves around the four primary personality types, each represented by a distinct temperament. Littauer draws inspiration from the ancient concept of the four temperaments—Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholy, and Phlegmatic—and adapts it to modern psychology. The book emphasizes that everyone possesses a unique blend of these temperaments, shaping their individual personalities.

The Four Temperaments


Littauer describes the Sanguine personality as outgoing, social, and enthusiastic. Sanguines thrive in social settings, enjoying the company of others and often being the life of the party. They are spontaneous and optimistic, drawn to excitement and new experiences.


The Choleric personality is characterized by assertiveness, decisiveness, and a natural leadership style. Cholerics are goal-oriented, competitive, and often take charge in various situations. They value efficiency and are not afraid to make tough decisions.


Melancholic individuals are thoughtful, analytical, and detail-oriented. They appreciate order and structure, often displaying artistic or creative tendencies. Melancholics can be introspective and may wrestle with perfectionism and sensitivity.


Phlegmatic personalities are easygoing, calm, and peace-loving. They avoid conflict and are good listeners. Phlegmatics are often seen as supportive and easy to get along with, although they may struggle with procrastination due to their laid-back nature.

Understanding Your Personality

A significant portion of the book is dedicated to helping readers identify their dominant and secondary personality traits. Littauer provides quizzes and self-assessment tools to guide individuals in recognizing their unique blend of temperaments. This self-awareness is crucial for personal development and forming healthier relationships.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Littauer explores the strengths and weaknesses associated with each personality type. By understanding these aspects, individuals can capitalize on their strengths and work on mitigating potential challenges. For example, Sanguines may need to be mindful of overcommitting, Cholerics could focus on developing empathy, Melancholics may work on flexibility, and Phlegmatics might address procrastination tendencies.

Interpersonal Dynamics

A significant portion of “Personality Plus” is devoted to how different personality types interact with one another. Littauer provides valuable insights into potential conflicts that may arise between certain combinations of temperaments. By recognizing these dynamics, individuals can navigate relationships more effectively, whether in the workplace, family, or social circles.

Improving Relationships

The book offers practical advice on how to communicate and relate to others based on their personality types. For instance, understanding that a Melancholic may appreciate thoughtful gestures and detailed communication, while a Sanguine may respond well to spontaneity and positive affirmations, can significantly enhance interpersonal connections.

Application in Various Settings

Littauer explores how knowledge of personality types can be applied in different contexts. Whether in parenting, marriage, or professional settings, understanding the diverse temperaments of those around us can lead to more effective communication and collaboration.

Personal Growth Strategies

“Personality Plus” doesn’t just stop at identification and understanding; it provides actionable strategies for personal growth. Readers are encouraged to embrace their strengths, work on their weaknesses, and strive for a balanced approach to life.

Critique and Controversies

While “Personality Plus” has been praised for its accessibility and practical advice, some critics argue that it simplifies the complexities of human personality. Personality is a multifaceted and nuanced aspect of an individual, and reducing it to four main types may oversimplify the intricacies of human behavior. Additionally, there are debates about the scientific validity of personality typing systems, as they often lack empirical support.


In summary, “Personality Plus” by Florence Littauer is a valuable resource for individuals seeking to better understand themselves and improve their relationships. Through the exploration of the four primary personality types and their associated temperaments, readers gain insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and interpersonal dynamics. The book provides practical tools for personal growth and offers guidance on navigating various aspects of life, from family relationships to the workplace. While some may question the scientific basis of personality typing, many find the book’s approach accessible and its insights applicable to real-life situations. “Personality Plus” remains a relevant and widely read work in the self-help genre, offering timeless wisdom for those on a journey of self-discovery and relationship improvement.